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Barrington's , Wills and Probate solicitors in Burnham-on-Sea have wide-ranging experience and knowledge across a broad range of personal client matters.

The matters which they resolve and advise on can be complex and distressing for clients, so our team of Will and Probate solicitors will always stay professional and empathetic.

Your Will is your final say on your assets. Do not leave the outcome to chance. We will discuss all options and tailor make your Will, giving you the appropriate advice in relation to efficient management of your affairs. We are an accredited member of Solicitors for the Elderly 

We will assist you in making the important decisions regarding:

Your Executors/ Trustees – Those you trust to administer your affairs.
Guardians – Family or friends who know and understand your children.
Beneficiaries – Partners do not have the same rights as spouses; ‘second’ families to consider; vulnerable minors.
Tax planning – Why pay more to the Taxman than you need to?
Care Home fees.
Setting up of a Suitable Trust.

Barrington & Sons Limited (Registered in England and Wales with Company Registration No. 7467612) authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA number 554833

A list of the Directors is available for inspection at the Registered Office, 60 High Street, Burnham on Sea, Somerset, TA8 1AG ©2023 by Barrington & Sons.

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